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Building your own UI

The Usercentrics Core module provides all the information and functionality needed to build a consent banner of your own.

Regulation Dependent

Be aware that there are implementation differences between each legal framework, due to divergent legal requirements.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation applies to any business in the EU as well as organizations outside the EU that collect, process and store information on EU citizens, as well as non-citizens residing in the EU.

To get you started, we have provided a compliance checklist to help you understand the requirements of GDPR.

Data Source

UsercentricsCore.isReady { _ in

    let data = UsercentricsCore.shared.getCMPData()
    let settings = data.settings
    let services =
    let categories = data.categories

} onFailure: { error in
    // Handle non-localized error

    val data = Usercentrics.instance.getCMPData()
    val settings = data.settings
    val services =
    val categories = data.categories

}, { error ->
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  final data = await Usercentrics.cmpData;
  final settings = data.settings;
  final services =;
  final categories = data.categories;
} catch (error) {
  // Handle non-localized error
try {
  const data = await Usercentrics.getCMPData();
  const settings = data.settings;
  const services =;
  const categories = data.categories;
} catch (error) {
  // Handle non-localized error

Matching Categories and Services

You may match services to categories with category.slug == service.categorySlug.

Matching Legal Basis and Services Legal Basis list

You may match legal basis keys with each service's legal basis. { service ->
    service.legalBasisList.forEach { serviceLegalBasis ->
        val legalBasis = ?: serviceLegalBasis
        print("UsercentricsUseCase", "${service.dataProcessor} - Legal Basis: $legalBasis")

Content Mapping

To help you navigate our Data Source, please see the following content mapping tables:

First Layer SDK Property
1. Title settings.labels.firstLayerTitle
2. Description settings.firstLayerDescriptionHtml (raw input) or settings.firstLayerDescription
3. Short Description settings.firstLayerMobileDescriptionHtml (raw input) or settings.firstLayerMobileDescription
4. Read More settings.labels.btnBannerReadMore
5. Accept Button Title settings.labels.btnAcceptAll
6. Deny Button Title settings.labels.btnDeny
7. More Button Title settings.labels.btnMore
Second Layer SDK Property
8. Title settings.labels.secondLayerTitle
9. Description settings.labels.secondLayerDescriptionHtml (raw input) or settings.labels.secondLayerDescription
10. Accept Button Title settings.secondLayer.acceptButtonText
11. Deny Button Title settings.secondLayer.denyButtonText
Banner Elements SDK Property
12. Privacy Policy Text settings.labels.privacyPolicyLinkText
13. Privacy Policy URL settings.privacyPolicyUrl
14. Imprint Text settings.labels.imprintLinkText
15. Imprint URL settings.imprintUrl
16. Language Selected settings.language
17. Languages Available settings.languagesAvailable
18. Categories Tab settings.secondLayer.tabsCategoriesLabel
19. Services Tab settings.secondLayer.tabsServicesLabel
20. Save Button Title settings.labels.btnSave
Category Component SDK Property
21. Category Name category.label
22. Category Description category.description
Services Component SDK Property
23. Service Name service.dataProcessor
24. Service Description Title settings.labels.descriptionOfService
25. Service Description service.descriptionOfService
26. Processing Company Title settings.labels.processingCompanyTitle
27. Processing Company service.nameOfProcessingCompany + service.addressOfProcessingCompany
28. Data Purposes Title settings.labels.dataPurposes
29. Data Purposes Description settings.labels.dataPurposesInfo
30. Data Purposes service.dataPurposesList
31. Technologies Used Title settings.labels.technologiesUsed
32. Technologies Used Description settings.labels.technologiesUsedInfo
33. Technologies Used service.technologyUsed
34. Data Collected Title settings.labels.dataCollectedList
35. Data Collected Description settings.labels.dataCollectedListInfo
36. Data Collected service.dataCollectedList
37. Legal Bases Title settings.labels.legalBasisList
38. Legal Bases Description settings.labels.legalBasisInfo
39. Legal Bases service.legalBasisList
40. Processing Location Title settings.labels.locationOfProcessing
41. Processing Location service.locationOfProcessing
42. Retention Period Title settings.labels.retentionPeriod
43. Retention Period service.retentionPeriodDescription
44. Third Country Distribution Title settings.labels.transferToThirdCountries
45. Third Country Distribution service.thirdCountryTransfer
46. Is Essential service.isEssential
47. Data Recipients Title settings.labels.dataRecipientsList
48. Data Recipients service.dataRecipientsList
49. Privacy Policy Title settings.labels.policyOf
50. Privacy Policy service.privacyPolicyURL
51. Cookie Policy Title settings.labels.cookiePolicyInfo
52. Cookie Policy service.cookiePolicyURL
53. Opt Out Link Title settings.labels.optOut
54. Opt Out Link service.optOutUrl
55. History Title settings.labels.history
56. History service.consent.history
57. History Consent Given settings.labels.yes
58. History Consent Not Given
59. History Explicit Consent settings.labels.explicit
60. History Implicit Consent settings.labels.implicit

Action Delegates

In order to collect consent, we have provided the following 3 functions:

Accept All

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.acceptAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.acceptAll(consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.acceptAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>);
const consents = Usercentrics.acceptAll(<UsercentricsConsentType>);

Deny All

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.denyAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.denyAll(consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.denyAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>);
const consents = Usercentrics.denyAll(<UsercentricsConsentType>);


For granular selection, you may pass specific sets of consent with an array of decisions:

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.saveDecisions(decisions: <[UserDecision]>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.saveDecisions(decisions = <[UserDecision]>, consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.saveDecisions(decisions: List<UserDecision>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>);
const consents = Usercentrics.saveDecisions([<UserDecision], <UsercentricsConsentType>);

Consent Type

The consent type should be based on if a customer made an explicit action to provide consent, or not. Implicit can be used if the user ignores or skips the CMP. We highly recommend you only use implicit together with the denyAll() method, which will accept only essential services.

Interaction Analytics

To gather events in the Usercentrics analytics dashboard the following API is provided to track the available events:

UsercentricsCore.shared.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.instance.track(event = <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>);


[iOS] Event [Android] Event Notes
.cmpShown .CMP_SHOWN The banner was displayed to the user. It doesn't matter which layer.
.acceptAllFirstLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the first layer.
.denyAllFirstLayer .DENY_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the first layer.
.saveFirstLayer .SAVE_FIRST_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the first layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.acceptAllSecondLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the second layer.
.denyAllSecondLayer .DENY_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the second layer.
.saveSecondLayer .SAVE_SECOND_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the second layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.imprintLink .IMPRINT_LINK The Imprint link/button was pressed.
.moreInformationLink .MORE_INFORMATION_LINK The More Information link/button was pressed. This button is usually used to navigate from first layer to second layer.
.privacyPolicyLink .PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK The Privacy policy link/button was pressed.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau, (IAB Europe) has created the GDPR Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF 2.2) to support publishers, technology vendors and advertisers in being compliant with EU’s GDPR and ePrivacy Directive.

Be aware that a validation process with the IAB is required, in order to become a licensed TCF 2.2 CMP provider.

IAB Data Source

UsercentricsCore.isReady { status in

    // CMP Data
    let data = UsercentricsCore.shared.getCMPData()
    let settings = data.settings
    let tcfSettings = settings.tcf2

    // TCF Data
    UsercentricsCore.shared.getTCFData() { tcfData in
        let purposes = tcfData.purposes
        let specialPurposes = tcfData.specialPurposes
        let features = tcfData.features
        let specialFeatures = tcfData.specialFeatures
        let stacks = tcfData.stacks
        let vendors = tcfData.vendors

        // TCString
        let tcString = tcfData.tcString

} onFailure: { error in
    // Handle non-localized error

    // CMP Data
    val data = Usercentrics.instance.getCMPData()
    val settings = data.settings
    val tcfSettings = settings.tcf2

    // TCF Data
    Usercentrics.instance.getTCFData() { tcfData ->
        val purposes = tcfData.purposes
        val specialPurposes = tcfData.specialPurposes
        val features = tcfData.features
        val specialFeatures = tcfData.specialFeatures
        val stacks = tcfData.stacks
        val vendors = tcfData.vendors

        // TCString
        val tcString = tcfData.tcString

}, { error ->
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  final data = await Usercentrics.cmpData;
  final settings = data.settings;
  final tcfSettings = settings.tcf2;

  // TCF Data
  final tcfData = await Usercentrics.tcfData;
  final tcString = tcfData.tcString;
  final purposes = tcfData.purposes;
  final specialPurposes = tcfData.specialPurposes;
  final features = tcfData.features;
  final specialFeatures = tcfData.specialFeatures;
  final stacks = tcfData.stacks;
  final vendors = tcfData.vendors;

  // TODO - Add TCString property

} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  const data = await Usercentrics.getCMPData();
  const settings = data.settings;
  const tcfSettings = settings.tcf2;

  // TCF Data
  const tcfData = await Usercentrics.getTCFData();
  const purposes = tcfData.purposes;
  const specialPurposes = tcfData.specialPurposes;
  const features = tcfData.features;
  const specialFeatures = tcfData.specialFeatures;
  const stacks = tcfData.stacks;
  const vendors = tcfData.vendors;

  // TCString
  const tcString = tcfData.tcString;

} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error

Non-IAB Data Source

UsercentricsCore.isReady { status in

    let data = UsercentricsCore.shared.getCMPData()
    let settings = data.settings
    let services =
    let categories = data.categories

} onFailure: { error in
    // Handle non-localized error

    val data = Usercentrics.instance.getCMPData()
    val settings = data.settings
    val services =
    val categories = data.categories

}, { error ->
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  final data = await Usercentrics.cmpData;
  final settings = data.settings;
  final services =;
  final categories = data.categories;

} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  const data = await Usercentrics.getCMPData();
  const settings = data.settings;
  const services =;
  const categories = data.categories;
} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error

Matching Categories and Services

You may match services to categories with category.slug == service.categorySlug.

Matching Legal Basis and Services Legal Basis list

You may match legal basis keys with each service's legal basis. { service ->
    service.legalBasisList.forEach { serviceLegalBasis ->
        val legalBasis = ?: serviceLegalBasis
        print("UsercentricsUseCase", "${service.dataProcessor} - Legal Basis: $legalBasis")

Content Mapping

First Layer SDK Property
1. First layer title tcf2.firstLayerTitle
2. First layer description tcf2.firstLayerDescription
3. First layer additional Info tcf2.firstLayerAdditionalInfo
4. First layer resurface note tcf2.firstLayerNoteResurface
5. Vendorlist link title tcf2.linksVendorListLinkLabel
6. Manage settings link title tcf2.linksManageSettingsLabel
7. Label purposes tcf2.labelsPurposes
8. Label features tcf2.labelsFeatures
Second Layer SDK Property
1. Second layer title tcf2.secondLayerTitle
2. Second layer description tcf2.secondLayerDescription
3. Purposes tab tcf2.tabsPurposeLabel
4. Vendors tab tcf2.tabsVendorsLabel
5. Vendors who are part of TCF tcf2.labelsIabVendors
6. Vendors who are NOT part of TCF tcf2.labelsNonIabVendors
7. Non IAB purposes tcf2.labelsNonIabPurposes
Buttons SDK Property
1. Accept all button title tcf2.buttonsAcceptAllLabel
2. Deny all button title tcf2.buttonsDenyAllLabel
3. Save button title tcf2.buttonsSaveLabel
General SDK Property
1. Language Selected settings.language
2. Languages Available settings.languagesAvailable
3. Privacy Policy Text settings.labels.privacyPolicyLinkText
4. Privacy Policy URL settings.privacyPolicyUrl
5. Imprint Text settings.labels.imprintLinkText
6. Imprint URL settings.imprintUrl
Toggles SDK Property
1. Toggle consent label tcf2.togglesConsentToggleLabel
2. Toggle legitimate interest label tcf2.togglesLegIntToggleLabel
Vendors SDK Property
1. Label title
2. Purpose label tcf2.vendorPurpose
3. Purpose Name vendor.purposes[n].[findByPurposeId].name
4. Legitimate interest purpose label tcf2.vendorLegitimateInterestPurposes
5. Legitimate Interest Purpose name vendor.legitimateInterestPurposes[n].[findByPurposeId].name
6. Special purpose label tcf2.vendorSpecialPurposes
7. Special purpose name vendor.specialPurposes[n].[findByPurposeId].name
8. Feature label tcf2.vendorFeatures
9. Feature name vendor.features[n].[findByPurposeId].name
10. Special Feature label tcf2.vendorSpecialFeatures
11. Special Feature name vendor.specialFeatures[n].[findByPurposeId].name
12. Cookie refresh value vendor.cookieRefresh
13. Cookie Age value vendor.cookieMaxAgeSeconds
14. Cookie storage value vendor.usesCookie
15. Non-cookie storage value vendor.usesNonCookieAccess
Purposes SDK Property
1. Label title
2. Legitimate interest consent purpose.legitimateInterestConsent
3. Legal Description purpose.descriptionLegal
4. Purpose Description purpose.purposeDescription
5. Consent purpose.consent
Special Purposes SDK Property
1. Label title
2. Legal Description specialPurpose.descriptionLegal
3. Purpose Description purpose.purposeDescription
Features SDK Property
1. Label title
2. Legitimate interest consent feature.legitimateInterestConsent
3. Legal Description feature.descriptionLegal
Special Features SDK Property
1. Label title
2. Consent specialFeature.consent
3. Description specialFeature.purposeDescription
4. Legal Description specialFeature.descriptionLegal
Stacks SDK Property
1. Label title
3. Description stack.description
3. Purposes stack.purposeIds
4. Special Features stack.specialFeatureIds


When building your own TCF 2.2 CMP, it is required to have your CMP UI design certified by the IAB. Once certified, you will need to provide your CMP ID as follows:

UsercentricsCore.shared.setCMPId(id: <ID>)
Usercentrics.setCmpIdForTCF(id: <ID>)

Action Delegates

In order to collect consent, we have provided the following 3 functions:

Accept All

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.acceptAllForTCF(fromLayer: <TCFDecisionUILayer>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.acceptAllForTCF(fromLayer = <TCFDecisionUILayer>, consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.acceptAllForTCF(fromLayer: <TCFDecisionUILayer>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
const consents = Usercentrics.acceptAllForTCF(<TCFDecisionUILayer>, <UsercentricsConsentType>)

Deny All

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.denyAllForTCF(fromLayer: <TCFDecisionUILayer>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.denyAllForTCF(fromLayer = <TCFDecisionUILayer>, consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.denyAllForTCF(fromLayer: <TCFDecisionUILayer>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
const consents = Usercentrics.denyAllForTCF(<TCFDecisionUILayer>, <UsercentricsConsentType>)


For granular selection, you may pass specific sets of consent with an array of TCFUserDecisions.

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.saveDecisionsForTCF(tcfDecisions: <[TCFUserDecisions]>, 
                                                           fromLayer: <TCFDecisionUILayer>,
                                                           serviceDecisions: <[UserDecision]>,
                                                           consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.saveDecisionsForTCF(
    tcfDecisions = <[TCFUserDecisions]>, 
    fromLayer = TCFDecisionUILayer.FIRST_LAYER,
    serviceDecisions = <[UserDecision]>, 
    consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>
final consents = await Usercentrics.saveDecisionsForTCF(
  tcfDecisions: List<TCFDecisions>,
  fromLayer: <TCFDecisionUILayer>,
  serviceDecisions: List<UserDecision>,
  consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>
const consents = await Usercentrics.saveDecisionsForTCF(

TCF 2.2 Decision Layer

Depending on your design, you might have 1 or 2 layers for collecting consent. It is required by the IAB, that you specify in which layer the consent was collected. For this, you may pass the corresponding enum value from TCF_DECISION_UI_LAYER.

Consent Type

The consent type should be based on if a customer made an explicit action to provide consent, or not. Implicit can be used if the user ignores or skips the CMP. We highly recommend you only use implicit together with the denyAllForTCF() method, which will accept only essential services.

Interaction Analytics

To gather events in the Usercentrics analytics dashboard the following API is provided to track the available events:

UsercentricsCore.shared.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.instance.track(event = <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>);


[iOS] Event [Android] Event Notes
.cmpShown .CMP_SHOWN The banner was displayed to the user. It doesn't matter which layer.
.acceptAllFirstLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the first layer.
.denyAllFirstLayer .DENY_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the first layer.
.saveFirstLayer .SAVE_FIRST_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the first layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.acceptAllSecondLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the second layer.
.denyAllSecondLayer .DENY_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the second layer.
.saveSecondLayer .SAVE_SECOND_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the second layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.imprintLink .IMPRINT_LINK The Imprint link/button was pressed.
.moreInformationLink .MORE_INFORMATION_LINK The More Information link/button was pressed. This button is usually used to navigate from first layer to second layer.
.privacyPolicyLink .PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK The Privacy policy link/button was pressed.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) gives consumers more control over the personal information that businesses collect about them and provide guidance on how to implement the law. This landmark law secures new privacy rights for California consumers, including:

  • The right to know about the personal information a business collects about them and how it is used and shared;
  • The right to delete personal information collected from them (with some exceptions);
  • The right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information; and
  • The right to non-discrimination for exercising their CCPA rights.

Businesses are required to give consumers certain notices explaining their privacy practices. The CCPA applies to many businesses, including data brokers.

Data Source

UsercentricsCore.isReady { status in

    let data = UsercentricsCore.shared.getCMPData()
    let settings = data.settings
    let services =
    let categories = data.categories

} onFailure: { error in
    // Handle non-localized error

    val data = Usercentrics.instance.getCMPData()
    val settings = data.settings
    val services =
    val categories = data.categories

}, { error ->
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  final data = await Usercentrics.cmpData;
  final settings = data.settings;
  final services =;
  final categories = data.categories;

} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  const data = await Usercentrics.getCMPData();
  const settings = data.settings;
  const services =;
  const categories = data.categories;
} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error

Matching Categories and Services

You may match services to categories with category.slug == service.categorySlug.

Matching Legal Basis and Services Legal Basis list

You may match legal basis keys with each service's legal basis. { service ->
    service.legalBasisList.forEach { serviceLegalBasis ->
        val legalBasis = ?: serviceLegalBasis
        print("UsercentricsUseCase", "${service.dataProcessor} - Legal Basis: $legalBasis")

Content Mapping

First Layer SDK Property
1. Title ccpa.firstLayerTitle
2. Description ccpa.appFirstLayerDescription
3. Short Description ccpa.firstLayerMobileDescription
4. Read More settings.labels.btnBannerReadMore
5. Do not sell my info label ccpa.optOutNoticeLabel
6. Save Button Title ccpa.btnSave
Banner Elements SDK Property
7. Privacy Policy Text settings.labels.privacyPolicyLinkText
8. Privacy Policy URL settings.privacyPolicyUrl
9. Imprint Text settings.labels.imprintLinkText
10. Imprint URL settings.imprintUrl
11. Language Selected settings.language
12. Languages Available settings.languagesAvailable
13. Categories Tab settings.secondLayer.tabsCategoriesLabel
14. Services Tab settings.secondLayer.tabsServicesLabel
Category Component SDK Property
16. Category Name category.label
17. Category Description category.description
Services Component SDK Property
18. Service Name service.dataProcessor
19. Service Description Title settings.labels.descriptionOfService
20. Service Description service.descriptionOfService
21. Processing Company Title settings.labels.processingCompanyTitle
22. Processing Company service.nameOfProcessingCompany + service.addressOfProcessingCompany
23. Data Purposes Title settings.labels.dataPurposes
24. Data Purposes Description settings.labels.dataPurposesInfo
25. Data Purposes service.dataPurposesList
26. Technologies Used Title settings.labels.technologiesUsed
27. Technologies Used Description settings.labels.technologiesUsedInfo
28. Technologies Used service.technologyUsed
29. Data Collected Title settings.labels.dataCollectedList
30. Data Collected Description settings.labels.dataCollectedListInfo
31. Data Collected service.dataCollectedList
32. Legal Bases Title settings.labels.legalBasisList
33. Legal Bases Description settings.labels.legalBasisInfo
34. Legal Bases service.legalBasisList
35. Processing Location Title settings.labels.locationOfProcessing
36. Processing Location service.locationOfProcessing
37. Retention Period Title settings.labels.retentionPeriod
38. Retention Period service.retentionPeriodDescription
39. Third Country Distribution Title settings.labels.transferToThirdCountries
40. Third Country Distribution service.thirdCountryTransfer
41. Is Essential service.isEssential
42. Data Recipients Title settings.labels.dataRecipientsList
43. Data Recipients service.dataRecipientsList
44. Privacy Policy Title settings.labels.policyOf
45. Privacy Policy service.privacyPolicyURL
46. Cookie Policy Title settings.labels.cookiePolicyInfo
47. Cookie Policy service.cookiePolicyURL
48. Opt Out Link Title settings.labels.optOut
49. Opt Out Link service.optOutUrl
50. History Title settings.labels.history
51. History service.consent.history
52. History Consent Given settings.labels.yes
53. History Consent Not Given
54. History Explicit Consent settings.labels.explicit
55. History Implicit Consent settings.labels.implicit

Action Delegates

CCPA is a global opted out framework. This means:

  • Consent is a boolean, no granular consent of services.
  • The consent is given by default and the user has to explicitly opt-out.

To collect consent for CCPA, we offer one simplified method:


let ccpaConsents = UsercentricsCore.shared.saveOptOutForCCPA(isOptedOut: <Bool>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val ccpaConsents = Usercentrics.instance.saveOptOutForCCPA(isOptedOut = <Bool>, consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val ccpaConsents = Usercentrics.saveOptOutForCCPA(isOptedOut: <Bool>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val ccpaConsents = Usercentrics.saveOptOutForCCPA(<boolean>, <UsercentricsConsentType>)

Consent Type

The consent type should be based on if a customer made an explicit action to provide consent, or not. Implicit can be used if the user ignores or skips the CMP.

Interaction Analytics

To gather events in the Usercentrics analytics dashboard the following API is provided to track the available events:

UsercentricsCore.shared.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.instance.track(event = <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>);


[iOS] Event [Android] Event Notes
.cmpShown .CMP_SHOWN The banner was displayed to the user. It doesn't matter which layer.
.acceptAllFirstLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the first layer.
.denyAllFirstLayer .DENY_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the first layer.
.saveFirstLayer .SAVE_FIRST_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the first layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.acceptAllSecondLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the second layer.
.denyAllSecondLayer .DENY_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the second layer.
.saveSecondLayer .SAVE_SECOND_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the second layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.imprintLink .IMPRINT_LINK The Imprint link/button was pressed.
.moreInformationLink .MORE_INFORMATION_LINK The More Information link/button was pressed. This button is usually used to navigate from first layer to second layer.
.privacyPolicyLink .PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK The Privacy policy link/button was pressed.
.ccpaTogglesOn .CCPA_TOGGLES_ON The CCPA toggle has been set to ON.
.ccpaTogglesOff .CCPA_TOGGLES_OFF The CCPA toggle has been set to OFF.

Brazil’s Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD)

LGPD applies to any business or organization that processes the personal data of people in Brazil, regardless of where that business or organization itself might be located. So, if your company has any customers or clients in Brazil, you should begin preparing for LGPD compliance.

If you are already GDPR compliant, then you have already done the bulk of the work necessary to comply with LGPD. It is only necessary that you set the appropaite Legal Basis for all your services.

Data Source

UsercentricsCore.isReady { status in

    let data = UsercentricsCore.shared.getCMPData()
    let settings = data.settings
    let services =
    let categories = data.categories

} onFailure: { error in
    // Handle non-localized error

    val data = Usercentrics.instance.getCMPData()
    val settings = data.settings
    val services =
    val categories = data.categories

}, { error ->
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  final data = await Usercentrics.cmpData;
  final settings = data.settings;
  final services =;
  final categories = data.categories;

} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error
try {
  const data = await Usercentrics.getCMPData();
  const settings = data.settings;
  const services =;
  const categories = data.categories;
} catch (error) {
    // Handle non-localized error

Matching Categories and Services

You may match services to categories with category.slug == service.categorySlug.

Matching Legal Basis and Services Legal Basis list

You may match legal basis keys with each service's legal basis. { service ->
    service.legalBasisList.forEach { serviceLegalBasis ->
        val legalBasis = ?: serviceLegalBasis
        print("UsercentricsUseCase", "${service.dataProcessor} - Legal Basis: $legalBasis")

Content Mapping

First Layer SDK Property
1. Title settings.labels.firstLayerTitle
2. Description settings.firstLayerDescriptionHtml (raw input) or settings.firstLayerDescription
3. Short Description settings.firstLayerMobileDescriptionHtml (raw input) or settings.firstLayerMobileDescription
4. Read More settings.labels.btnBannerReadMore
5. Accept Button Title settings.labels.btnAcceptAll
6. Deny Button Title settings.labels.btnDeny
7. More Button Title settings.labels.btnMore
Second Layer SDK Property
8. Title settings.labels.secondLayerTitle
9. Description settings.labels.secondLayerDescriptionHtml (raw input) or settings.labels.secondLayerDescription
10. Accept Button Title settings.secondLayer.acceptButtonText
11. Deny Button Title settings.secondLayer.denyButtonText
Banner Elements SDK Property
12. Privacy Policy Text settings.labels.privacyPolicyLinkText
13. Privacy Policy URL settings.privacyPolicyUrl
14. Imprint Text settings.labels.imprintLinkText
15. Imprint URL settings.imprintUrl
16. Language Selected settings.language
17. Languages Available settings.languagesAvailable
18. Categories Tab settings.secondLayer.tabsCategoriesLabel
19. Services Tab settings.secondLayer.tabsServicesLabel
20. Save Button Title settings.labels.btnSave
Category Component SDK Property
21. Category Name category.label
22. Category Description category.description
Services Component SDK Property
23. Service Name service.dataProcessor
24. Service Description Title settings.labels.descriptionOfService
25. Service Description service.descriptionOfService
26. Processing Company Title settings.labels.processingCompanyTitle
27. Processing Company service.nameOfProcessingCompany + service.addressOfProcessingCompany
28. Data Purposes Title settings.labels.dataPurposes
29. Data Purposes Description settings.labels.dataPurposesInfo
30. Data Purposes service.dataPurposesList
31. Technologies Used Title settings.labels.technologiesUsed
32. Technologies Used Description settings.labels.technologiesUsedInfo
33. Technologies Used service.technologyUsed
34. Data Collected Title settings.labels.dataCollectedList
35. Data Collected Description settings.labels.dataCollectedListInfo
36. Data Collected service.dataCollectedList
37. Legal Bases Title settings.labels.legalBasisList
38. Legal Bases Description settings.labels.legalBasisInfo
39. Legal Bases service.legalBasisList
40. Processing Location Title settings.labels.locationOfProcessing
41. Processing Location service.locationOfProcessing
42. Retention Period Title settings.labels.retentionPeriod
43. Retention Period service.retentionPeriodDescription
44. Third Country Distribution Title settings.labels.transferToThirdCountries
45. Third Country Distribution service.thirdCountryTransfer
46. Is Essential service.isEssential
47. Data Recipients Title settings.labels.dataRecipientsList
48. Data Recipients service.dataRecipientsList
49. Privacy Policy Title settings.labels.policyOf
50. Privacy Policy service.privacyPolicyURL
51. Cookie Policy Title settings.labels.cookiePolicyInfo
52. Cookie Policy service.cookiePolicyURL
53. Opt Out Link Title settings.labels.optOut
54. Opt Out Link service.optOutUrl
55. History Title settings.labels.history
56. History service.consent.history
57. History Consent Given settings.labels.yes
58. History Consent Not Given
59. History Explicit Consent settings.labels.explicit
60. History Implicit Consent settings.labels.implicit

Action Delegates

In order to collect consent, we have provided the following 3 functions:

Accept All

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.acceptAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.acceptAll(consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.acceptAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>);
const consents = Usercentrics.acceptAll(<UsercentricsConsentType>);

Deny All

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.denyAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.denyAll(consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.denyAll(consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>);
const consents = Usercentrics.denyAll(<UsercentricsConsentType>);


For granular selection, you may pass specific sets of consent with an array of decisions:

let consents = UsercentricsCore.shared.saveDecisions(decisions: <[UserDecision]>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>)
val consents = Usercentrics.instance.saveDecisions(decisions = <[UserDecision]>, consentType = <UsercentricsConsentType>)
final consents = Usercentrics.saveDecisions(decisions: List<UserDecision>, consentType: <UsercentricsConsentType>);
const consents = Usercentrics.saveDecisions([<UserDecision], <UsercentricsConsentType>);

Consent Type

The consent type should be based on if a customer made an explicit action to provide consent, or not. Implicit can be used if the user ignores or skips the CMP. We highly recommend you only use implicit together with the denyAll() method, which will accept only essential services.

Interaction Analytics

To gather events in the Usercentrics analytics dashboard the following API is provided to track the available events:

UsercentricsCore.shared.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.instance.track(event = <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>)
Usercentrics.track(event: <UsercentricsAnalyticsEventType>);


[iOS] Event [Android] Event Notes
.cmpShown .CMP_SHOWN The banner was displayed to the user. It doesn't matter which layer.
.acceptAllFirstLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the first layer.
.denyAllFirstLayer .DENY_ALL_FIRST_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the first layer.
.saveFirstLayer .SAVE_FIRST_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the first layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.acceptAllSecondLayer .ACCEPT_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Accept All button was pressed from the second layer.
.denyAllSecondLayer .DENY_ALL_SECOND_LAYER The Deny All button was pressed from the second layer.
.saveSecondLayer .SAVE_SECOND_LAYER The Save button was pressed from the second layer. Save is mainly used for granular decisions.
.imprintLink .IMPRINT_LINK The Imprint link/button was pressed.
.moreInformationLink .MORE_INFORMATION_LINK The More Information link/button was pressed. This button is usually used to navigate from first layer to second layer.
.privacyPolicyLink .PRIVACY_POLICY_LINK The Privacy policy link/button was pressed.

Continue to Apply Consent

Now, it is fundamental that the user's privacy choices are applied to the 3rd party SDKs on you App. Please continue to Apply Consent.