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Installing the TV SDK


  • tvOS 11.0 or higher

Using CocoaPods

  1. On your Podfile, add the following line:

    platform :tvos, '11.0'
    pod 'UsercentricsUI'

  2. On the root directory of your project, run the following command to install the pod.

    pod install

  3. Open your .xcworkspace file.

  4. 🚀 You are ready to start the SDK integration.

Using Swift Package Manager (SPM)

  1. On Xcode, Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency.

  2. Enter the package repository URLs:

  3. Select the version you would like to use. We recommend sticking to "Up to Next Major" with the latest release as minor version.

  4. 🚀 You are ready to start the SDK integration.


  • Android 5.0 (API 21) and higher

Android minimum SDK Version

Support for versions lower than Android 5.0 (API Level 20) is planned to be removed in releases starting from April/24

Using Gradle

  1. Add the dependency to your app's build.gradle:

    dependencies {
        implementation "com.usercentrics.sdk:usercentrics-tv"

  2. 🚀 You are ready to start the SDK integration.


  • Chrome based OS (Chrome 56+)
  • Tizen
  • WebOS

Chrome OS Versions

Please be aware that while the CMP may function on Chrome-based OS versions earlier than 56, these versions are not officially supported.

Coming soon...

  • Support for the LG Magic Remote will be included in a future version;

Known issues

  • Some 720p box devices may display the CMP with a 'zoomed-in' appearance;
  • On some devices, blocks may appear in place of arrows when scrolling through lists;
  • The "Vendor list" button is not scrolling the view to the Vendorlist section as expected;

Add the script



Key mapping

Only use the following feature if the default keys are not working with your Remote Control

In case you need a more granular control over the keys of the Remote Control, please set the window.UC_TV_KEYMAP variable with the key codes needed:

window.UC_TV_KEYMAP = {
    // Codes bellow must be numbers and unique
    left: LEFT_KEY_CODE,
    right: RIGHT_KEY_CODE,
    up: UP_KEY_CODE,
    down: DOWN_KEY_CODE,
    ok: OK_KEY_CODE,
    back: BACK_KEY_CODE

You can also read through the Control UI and Control Functionality APIs we provide for a more granular implementation