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The following dashboard provides distinctive insights into your users' behaviour with the CMP.

User Interaction KPIs

Get insights on the received responses for your CMP layers.

User Interaction KPIs

  • CMP Displays: The amount of CMP_SHOWN events for the selected time range and filter
  • CMP Interactions: The amount of user consent interactions (\({\texttt{ACCEPT_ALL} + \texttt{DENY_ALL} + \texttt{SAVE}}\))
  • CMP Ignores: The difference between the shown CMP and actual interactions from users (\({\texttt{CMP_SHOWN} - (\texttt{ACCEPT_ALL} + \texttt{DENY_ALL} + \texttt{SAVE})}\))
  • Interaction Rate (%): How many events were actual interactions

Interactions vs. Ignores

Get insights on the Interaction performance of your current CMP configuration.

Interactions vs. Ignores

This graph compares the number of consent interactions (ACCEPT_ALL + DENY_ALL + SAVE) vs ignores.

Daily Interaction Rate

Get detailed insights on the Interaction rate over time.

Daily Interaction Rate

  • Daily statistics on Interactions.
  • Compare Interaction peaks with CMP shown peaks for an even better understanding of the data
  • Compare the Interaction distribution to changes you made to your setup on a certain day

Displays vs. Interactions

Get a granular view of the total number of CMP displays vs consent interactions.

Displays vs. Interactions

Daily total numbers on displays & interactions.

User Acceptance KPIs

Get insights into the type of interaction the users have with the banner.

User Acceptance KPIs

  • Accept All: The amount of ACCEPT_ALL events for the selected time range and filter
  • Deny All: The amount of DENY_ALL events for the selected time range and filter
  • Custom: The amount of SAVE events for the selected time range and filter
  • Accept Rate (%): How many consent events were actual Accepts (\(\frac{\texttt{ACCEPT_ALL}}{\texttt{ACCEPT_ALL} + \texttt{DENY_ALL} + \texttt{SAVE}}\))

'Accept' vs. 'Deny' vs. Custom

Get insights into the consent interaction distribution.

Accept vs. Deny vs. Custom

Compares the weights between the different consent interactions (ACCEPT_ALL vs DENY_ALL vs SAVE).

Daily Accept Rate

Get detailed insights on the accept rate over time.

Daily Accept Rate

  • Daily statistics on Accept rate.
  • Compare Accept peaks with CMP shown peaks for an even better understanding of the data
  • Compare the Accept rate distribution to changes you made to your setup on a certain day.

'Accept All' vs 'Deny All' vs Custom (Total)

Get a granular view of the total number of the different consent interactions.

Accept All vs Deny All vs Custom (Total)

Daily total numbers on Accept All vs Deny All vs Custom choice.

Comparison Overview

Compare your interaction & acceptance rate over the different dimensions such as country, device, layer and variant (if A/B testing is activated).

Comparison Overview

  • Identify optimization needs for specific devices in order to optimize the overall rates.
  • Understand if specific banner configurations are required for specific countries.
  • Understand if there is a need to further optimize the 1st or 2nd layer of your CMP.
  • Have a straightforward overview of which A/B Testing variant is performing better.