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Free cookie checker

Scan your website with our free cookie checker and identify all cookies and tracking technologies collecting user data on your site.
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Why check cookies

Cookies are small files that track visits and optimize browsing by remembering user preferences and improving website performance. However, they can also collect personal data, making it essential to know which cookies your site uses.

Being transparent about cookies and giving users control builds trust and supports compliance with privacy laws like the GDPR. It’s also critical for protecting marketing monetization, as platforms like Google require businesses to meet strict privacy standards.

To check your privacy compliance status, use our free cookie scanner now and receive results in just a few minutes.


Enter your website address to start a cookie test.


Initiate the cookie scan and wait as it runs, identifying all cookies and tracking technologies in use on your site.


The cookie checker will then categorize your cookies based on their provider, purpose, and the type of data they collect.


Check your email for the detailed report, which shows your compliance status and the full list of cookies and trackers in use.

Do you wonder if your website is privacy-compliant? Check it now in minutes with our free scanner.

Scan now
Illustration of a website and a mobile app being scanned
Just provide your site address, and you’re ready to start your website scan.
Receive your cookie scan results in minutes — delivered straight to your inbox.
Get a report that includes a full list of cookies and trackers, along with your privacy compliance status and any potential compliance issues identified.
“In order to be GDPR-compliant it was of great importance for us to carefully collect and document the consent of our website visitors. We initially had concerns that our relatively complex tag management would make the implementation more difficult. However, they were quickly dispelled.”
— Chief Digital Officer, Movinga GmbH
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Frequently asked questions

What is a cookie checker?

A cookie checker is a tool that scans your website to detect all cookies and tracking technologies in use. It categorizes them based on their purpose, provider, and the type of data they collect, ensuring transparency and helping you comply with privacy laws like the GDPR.

How to detect cookies?

You can detect cookies by using the Usercentrics website cookie checker. This tool scans your site to identify all cookies and tracking technologies in use, including first-party and third-party cookies and trackers. It helps you stay informed about what data is being collected on your site.

How do I check if cookies are valid?

Online tracking is legal, but is subject to strict privacy laws like the GDPR and CCPA. You must inform users about the cookies and trackers you’re using and get their consent, especially for third-party cookies.

Is tracking cookies legal?

The Usercentrics cookie test is quick and easy. Once you initiate the scan, you’ll receive the results in just a few minutes. The report will be sent directly to your inbox, and will show all cookies and tracking technologies found on your website.

How to achieve GDPR compliance?

A low-risk level means that the cookie scan found first-party cookies on your site that are being set without user consent. While no third-party cookies or requests were found, this may still violate some privacy laws like the GDPR, which require explicit consent for all cookies.

What does it mean that my website noncompliance risk is medium?

A medium-risk level indicates that your website is likely not privacy compliant. The scan found an above-average number of first-party or third-party cookies and/or third-party requests being set without explicit user consent. This could put your website at risk of penalties under laws like the GDPR and CCPA.

What does it mean that my website noncompliance risk is high?

A high-risk level suggests significant privacy compliance failures. The scan detected a large number of third-party cookies and third-party requests being set without user consent, which is a major violation of privacy laws such as the GDPR and CCPA. Immediate action is needed to avoid noncompliance penalties.

How can I check if my website complies with the GDPR?

To support GDPR compliance, you need to understand which cookies your website uses and what data they collect, as well as effectively obtain and manage user consent. You can use our free cookie scanner to scan your site and identify compliance issues, ensuring that your site meets GDPR requirements.

How to achieve GDPR compliance?

Compliance with the GDPR is the responsibility of every business and organization operating in Europe. While we can’t provide specific legal advice, we can point to some best practices. Appoint representatives for data privacy and protection initiatives or a Data Protection officer (DPO). Know what data you collect and how it’s managed. Have a provable legal basis for data processing. Set up data processing agreements with third parties. Provide clear information to enable users’ consent choices. Download our GDPR Compliance Checklist for more information and set up a consent management platform on your website.

What is a consent management platform (CMP)?

A consent management platform (CMP) is a software tool that helps website owners manage user consent for data collection and processing activities. It enables compliance with data privacy regulations like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). A CMP enables users to provide or decline informed consent, or customize their data use preferences for cookies, tracking technologies, and data sharing practices.

Why do you need a CMP on your website?

You need a consent management platform (CMP) on your website to comply with privacy regulations like the GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, POPIA, etc., as well as requirements from large digital platforms like Google and its services. A CMP helps you obtain, manage, and signal user consent for data collection and processing activities, thereby enhancing transparency and trust with your users while mitigating the risk of legal penalties for noncompliance. For more details check out our Usercentrics Web CMP.