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Get detailed analysis of interactions, consents and use of data processing services. Drive insights and CMP optimization and maximize your data capture.

Maximize data value

The most insightful analytics tools

  • Easily monitor important KPIs
  • Fully understand user behavior
  • Clear and rapid insights
  • Continually optimize with data-driven decisions

Powerful A/B testing tools

  • Make informed service categorization decisions
  • Optimize DPS categorizations
  • Get consent rate data for all or individual services
  • Optimize every aspect of the CMP

Opportunity from every user decision

Better data drives trust

Know your audience to build trust and get better data

Interaction Analytics

See what works and what doesn’t throughout your CMP layer. Iterate regularly to maximize data capture. Fully understand user behavior, gain rapid insights, make better data-driven decisions and beat your KPIs.

Granular Analytics

Analyze and optimize all of your Data Processing Services. See user consent decisions and consent rates down to the individual level and improve your categorizations.

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Easy, flexible, reliable

You’re busy, so we designed Analytics and Reporting to be very user-friendly. Access and use the data in ways that are flexible to your needs. Understand users’ behavior quickly to gain insights and make smarter data-driven decisions.

Users’ actions reveal their impressions and experience with your brand. Improve your transparency about data use and privacy compliance. Generate valuable insights more quickly. Build trust and drive consent rates and revenue.

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