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Usercentrics partners with fusedeck, Cookieless Analytics & Engagement Tracking Framework, for consent management innovation

Press / Usercentrics partners with fusedeck, Cookieless Analytics & Engagement Tracking Framework, for consent management innovation
Published by Usercentrics
2 mins to read
Sep 5, 2022

Munich, September 5, 2022 – Usercentrics, leading provider of consent management solutions, welcomes fusedeck, SaaS provider in the field of cookieless tracking and analytics provider, in a partnership to innovate consent management for the benefit of both end-users and industry.

The internet economy is changing fast towards more user-centric models, latest examples include Google’s Consent Mode and the shift from third-party tracking technologies to more privacy friendly first-party technologies.

In a new partnership, Usercentrics will provide unrivaled technology to support fusedeck’s late consent solution, making cookie banners less intrusive and more dynamic.

Late consent is an innovation in data privacy compliance that lets the end-user browse a website before being presented with a cookie banner, allowing them to make a more informed choice rather than having to decide up front whether to say yes or no to cookies. Until the user gives their consent, only anonymous data will be collected to solve the loss of analytics that many online businesses experience as a consequence of cookie banners.

For the end-users, late consent provides a much needed change to the consent fatigue syndrome. Instead of having consent banners be the first thing they see when visiting websites, late consent with its dynamic consent banners lets them check out the domain and its content before making a choice of whether to hand over their personal data.

For companies, late consent provides a chance to reduce bounce rates (which can increase up to 40% due to the use of immediate consent banners) and increase the rate of users choosing to opt-in to cookies by addressing the user with the right message at the right time using a dynamic consent banner.

Combining data privacy and usability to benefit both end-users and businesses, the partnership between Usercentrics and fusedeck seeks to heighten user trust and solve issues for companies wanting to be data privacy compliant.


About fusedeck

fusedeck® is a product by the Swiss digital marketing and technology company Capture Media AG, founded in 2016 by Sandro Albin, Franz d’Huc, and Michel Lazecki in Zurich. The company’s headquarters are also located in Zurich. It has been possible to use fusedeck® as a standalone tool since 2020. The company also opened a German branch in Munich in 2020.
Currently, more than 300 customers trust in the technology and over 1,700 campaigns have already been optimized with the help of fusedeck®.
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About Usercentrics

Usercentrics is a global market leader in the field of consent management platforms (CMP). We enable businesses to collect, manage and document user consents on websites and apps in order to achieve full compliance with global privacy regulations while facilitating high consent rates and building trust with their customers.

Usercentrics believes in creating a healthy balance between data privacy and data-driven business, delivering solutions for every size of enterprise. Cookiebot CMP is our plug-and-play SaaS for smaller businesses and organizations, App CMP handles user consent on mobile apps, and Usercentrics CMP serves companies with enterprise-grade custom requirements for unifying consent and data from capture to processing.

Helping clients like Daimler, ING Diba and Konica Minolta achieve privacy compliance, Usercentrics is active in more than 100 countries, with 2000+ resellers and handles more than 61 million daily user consents.

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Press contact:
Camilla Beaven / Hannah Sinz