Consented by Usercentrics
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Why Affiliate Marketing is Essential for Your B2B SaaS Marketing Strategy

Consented Episode 5
by Usercentrics
May 29, 2024
Consented by Usercentrics

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Date: 29 May 2024
Time: 4 pm (CET)
Duration: 1 hour


In episode 5 of Consented we will dive into the world of affiliate marketing! We will learn from the experts how the affiliate landscape has changed over the years to become the next essential marketing channel for success in B2B SaaS marketing. This episode comes at a very exciting time as we launch our very own Affiliate Program.

What you’ll learn

  • How the affiliate landscape has evolved over the years
  • Difference between B2B and B2C affiliate marketing
  • How brands can create valuable, authentic user journeys with affiliate partnerships
  • How to stay competitive in today’s B2B marketing landscape

Who should watch?

  • Companies looking to broaden and diversify their GTM channels
  • Companies looking to build trust and brand value with their audience
  • Marketing professionals and leaders in B2B SaaS
  • Partner professionals and leaders in B2B SaaS

¹The podcast partners are


Florian Gramshammer

Florian Gramshammer

Managing Director EMEA
Paulo Santos

Paulo Santos

Partnerships & Affiliate Marketing

Bethany Hendricks

Partner Marketing Manager
Usercentrics GmbH

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