Consented Episode 3
Home Resources Events Is Privacy-led Marketing the solution to the Cookieless future?

Is Privacy-led Marketing the solution to the Cookieless future?

Podcast series: Consented Episode 3
by Usercentrics
Mar 28, 2024
Consented Episode 3

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Google is phasing out third-party cookies and started doing so in Chrome in early 2024. This means that marketing teams will need to rely more heavily on owned channels, collecting 1st and zero party data from their users to use for marketing and advertising purposes. The shift toward tighter data privacy for users is only getting stronger and regulations getting stricter. Watch this episode to find out how our experts recommend navigating the ever changing privacy landscape.

What you’ll learn

  • What is ”privacy-led marketing”?
  • The 3 most important considerations for marketing leaders wanting to adopt a privacy-led marketing approach
  • How can we as businesses build trust with our users?
  • How does privacy-led marketing help us with the end of 3rd party cookies?

Who should watch

This webinar will benefit organizations that collect and manage user data for business purposes. The key takeaways are particularly relevant for:

  • digital marketers looking to optimize data visibility and improve data-driven marketing performance
  • companies collecting user data for marketing purposes via websites
  • companies that need to comply with local privacy laws and looking for professional tools and strategies to achieve compliance


the webinar partners are e-dialog


Adelina Peltea CMO

Adelina Peltea

Chief Marketing Officer
Usercentrics GmbH
Sandra Wojciechowska

Sandra Wojciechowska

Data Protection Officer & Head of Consent Management

Bethany Hendricks

Partner Marketing Manager
Usercentrics GmbH

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