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Learn with us and thrive in the Privacy-Led Marketing era

Dive into our blog articles for insights on data privacy, product news, and regulatory updates. Discover trends in privacy-led marketing, and explore tools and strategies to optimize user consent and increase revenue.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and data privacy
Businesses use artificial intelligence for data analysis to improve predictions and decisions. This brings security responsibilities and data privacy opportunities.
Reject all article
Hamburg Data Protection Officer calls for Google to fix unequal access to consent and enable a “reject all” option for personal data processing.
Managing user consent is no longer just an in-browser discipline. Evolving technology and legislation require brands to consider new consent management approaches.
Google Topics
Google has canceled plans to replace third-party cookies with their Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC). Instead, its new proposed model is Topics.
Monthly Product Update
Read on to learn about our new apps plan and mobile SDK features, as well as updates on everything from our tech partners to CMP performance.
How to check if your app is compliant with privacy regulations
Usercentrics’ Mobile Apps SDK helps app developers achieve compliance and build trust when requesting and processing users’ data.
Blue outline of a maze with an outline of a person and a dash line going through the maze to a tick in a circle - Usercentrics
With more privacy laws in place around the world, use of dark patterns and similar manipulative design techniques is increasingly risky.
Monthly Product Update
Apps SDK v2.0 has great new features. Find out today if your plan includes our Mobile SDKs.
As of December 2021, a new data protection law with an expanded scope will apply to companies in or operating in Germany.
Browser UI
Ongoing optimizations and great new features of our CMP are in version 2. We’ve answered common questions about migrating.
Monthly Product Update
Accessibility certification, a new Adobe extension, and mobile plans for all your needs!
The Future of Privacy: Why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and data protection can only go hand in hand
Learn how you can work towards Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) targets by implementing the right privacy strategy within your firm.
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