Usercentrics Casestudy with Biotest
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Case study with Biotest AG

Solving complex technical needs to achieve global privacy compliance.
by Usercentrics
Feb 22, 2023
Usercentrics Casestudy with Biotest
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Biotest AG is a medical company operating globally, specializing in innovative hematology, clinical immunology and intensive care medicine. They develop, manufacture and market plasma proteins and biotherapeutic drugs, with the company’s largest markets in the European Union and Brazil.


As a global company, they need to be compliant with the data privacy laws in various regions. They have found achieving GDPR compliance to be a solid base for achieving the highest standards of privacy compliance elsewhere as well. Biotest started working with Usercentrics in 2021 and uses the CMP on over 40 websites.


Key goals for the company have included transparency with customers about data use and clear choices about processing. Maximum security for their local infrastructure is also important. They wanted one system to be able to manage consent management for all of their websites, and be able to handle the complexities of their implementation, like the variety of back end technologies in use. Biotest’s team has found tools like the DPS Scanner invaluable, and appreciates the ease of use when changes are needed to the UI or legal coverage.


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