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Monthly Product Update
Product Updates Aug 1, 2022

Be compliant and maximize the value of your data

Read on to learn about our newest features, amazing partnership opportunities, and how to find out everything you need...

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Monthly Product Update
Product Updates Jun 11, 2022

Monthly Product Update – Preview, partnerships and an invitation for a deep dive with Tealium

Read on to learn about our newest features, our amazing new partners, and how to find out everything you...

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Monthly Product Update
Product Updates Apr 19, 2022

Monthly Product Update – From data to insights to actions – faster!

Read on to learn about our amazing Analytics 2.0 release, our new option for A/B testing, ISO 27001 certification,...

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South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act – an overview

South Africa’s POPIA is a data privacy law that preceded the GDPR by five years. We look at how...

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Artificial intelligence (AI) and data privacy
Data Privacy Apr 12, 2022

Artificial intelligence (AI) and data privacy

Businesses use artificial intelligence for data analysis to improve predictions and decisions. This brings security responsibilities and data privacy...

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Reject all article
Data PrivacyCookies Apr 11, 2022

German Data Protection Officer calls for Google to offer “reject all” cookie consent option

Hamburg Data Protection Officer calls for Google to fix unequal access to consent and enable a “reject all” option...

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Monthly Product Update
Product Updates Mar 30, 2022

Monthly Product Update – Your privacy defense just got stronger. Find out how.

Read on to learn about our new option for A/B testing, our Preview & Publish feature, updates to the...

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How Server-side tracking and consent management creates harmony between privacy and data

Managing user consent is no longer just an in-browser discipline. Evolving technology and legislation require brands to consider new...

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Google Topics
Industry NewsCookies Feb 15, 2022

Google Introduces Topics to replace the controversial Federated Learning of Cohorts

Google has canceled plans to replace third-party cookies with their Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC). Instead, its new proposed...

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Monthly Product Update
Product Updates Feb 11, 2022

Monthly Product Update – new year, new features!

Read on to learn about our new apps plan and mobile SDK features, as well as updates on everything...

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How to check if your app is compliant with privacy regulations
AppsData Privacy Feb 8, 2022

How to check if your app is compliant with privacy regulations

Usercentrics’ Mobile Apps SDK helps app developers achieve compliance and build trust when requesting and processing users’ data.

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Blue outline of a maze with an outline of a person and a dash line going through the maze to a tick in a circle - Usercentrics
Data PrivacyCookies Dec 17, 2021

What are dark patterns and how do they affect consent?

With more privacy laws in place around the world, use of dark patterns and similar manipulative design techniques is...

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