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Usercentrics Wordpress
Feb 26, 2021

Usercentrics WordPress Implementation Guide

With a few easy steps, you can add the Usercentrics script tag or plugin to your WordPress website and...

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Usercentrics Shopify
Feb 24, 2021

Usercentrics Shopify Implementation Guide (CMP v2)

With a few easy steps, you can add the Usercentrics script to your Shopify website and start collecting user...

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Regulations Feb 24, 2021

The latest ePrivacy Regulation: when will it come, what will change, and how can companies get prepared?

Are you looking forward to the end of the ePrivacy Regulation? After all, the discussion about a Europe-wide, uniform...

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Brexit Artikel
Regulations Jan 15, 2021

Brexit and data transfer: what has changed and how to keep your business GDPR-compliant

Brexit has brought many new challenges this year. While some of them may or may not have affected your...

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Statue Of Lady Justice

135 million Euro fine levied on industry giants Amazon and Google due to missing consent – what that means for your company

This message is making the entire digital marketing industry sit up and take notice. The French data protection authority...

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Black Friday Banner Interactions
Regulations Dec 10, 2020

Hello discounts, adieu data protection? – Black Friday and its effects on your Opt-in rates

Black Friday Analysis: Do customers throw caution to the wind regarding their privacy with great offers? Are they more...

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Google’s ReCAPTCHA v3: What you need to know to be GDPR compliant
Regulations Dec 1, 2020

How to create a GDPR-compliant newsletter in 3 simple steps

Download a whitepaper for free but only if you sign up for the newsletter – many websites offer this...

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live chat userlike
CookiesProduct Updates Nov 23, 2020

5 Tips for Handling Cookies Correctly in Live Chat Support

Cookies aren’t just for tracking user behavior and displaying ads. They’re part of nearly every online tool, such as...

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GDPR vs. Brazil LGPD
Regulations Sep 15, 2020

EU GDPR vs. Brazil LGPD

General Requirements similarities and differences    GDPR  LGPD  Who does it apply to? = Extraterritorial application/effect The whole point...

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Google Analytics Image
Regulations Sep 3, 2020

Stricter requirements for the use of Google Analytics

Are you using Google Analytics? As a website operator you need to conclude a Joint Controller Agreement immediately. Here...

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Regulations Aug 31, 2020

Poland: New data protection regulations including consent under GDPR

Recently, Poland’s Data Protection Authority “UODO” has announced major changes in the legal basis for processing data. Therefore, consent...

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Brexit - Article
Cookies Aug 13, 2020

Brexit and the ICO Guidelines on Cookie Consent: How to be compliant after the transition period

The end of the Brexit transition period is quickly approaching – and publishers are wondering if their data strategy...

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