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Google Fonts 2
Regulations Apr 7, 2020

How do I use Google Fonts as well as other fonts in a GDPR compliant manner?

Google Fonts is embedded on numerous websites. What website providers often forget is that the integration of Google Fonts...

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SDK Finger
Product Updates Apr 3, 2020

Achieve maximum individualization and secure top level performance with the Usercentrics Browser SDK

Custom design in line with the CI and strong marketing performance is not an either/or decision any longer. How?...

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Data App 2
Regulations Mar 13, 2020

Survey: Tell me, what do you think about data protection in times of the Corona crisis?

A virus called COVID-19 (most commonly known as the Corona virus), is currently keeping the world in suspense. Seriously...

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GDPR & Brexit
Regulations Mar 10, 2020

GDPR after Brexit – all you need to know

After years of political seesaw Brexit day finally arrived on January 31, 2020. So far so good – but...

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Regulations Mar 3, 2020

CCPA – All you need to know in 5 minutes

As of January 1, 2020, California has introduced its own mini GDPR, also known as the California Consumer Privacy...

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Usercentrics - GDPR-compliant Customer Journey
Regulations Nov 13, 2019

Designing The Customer Journey To Be GDPR Compliant

How do the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) influence customers' travel as they surf the web? A closer look...

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Usercentrics - Use consent actively for your marketing success
Regulations Nov 13, 2019

Gathering Consent For Marketing Success

The recently implemented General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) have significantly changed the way customer data is handled in the...

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Facebook likes header
Regulations Jul 31, 2019

The Latest ECJ Ruling on Facebook-like Button Imposes Obligation On Website Operator

According to the ECJ ruling, website operators who integrate a "Like" button from Facebook are jointly responsible for data...

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Results Analysis European Elections
Regulations May 24, 2019

European elections: Websites of German top candidates checked on GDPR compliance

European elections: A check shows that the candidates' websites are far from being GDPR compliant. Learn more!

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Are Cookies personal data
Cookies May 22, 2019

Are cookies personal data?

Since the GDPR came into effect in May 2018, website operators have had to question whether cookies count as...

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Regulations May 22, 2019

Do I need a user’s consent for retargeting?

What is retargeting? With retargeting, a user’s browser history is analyzed to address the user with products that he/she...

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Are Cookies personal data
Cookies Apr 29, 2019

What are cookies?

Since the GDPR came into effect in May 2018, website operators have had to ask themselves, whether cookies count...

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